Page 8 - His Secret Obsession BOOK James Bauer PDF Download FREE
P. 8

I suddenly knew exactly what Rachel had to do.

        It was a long shot, but I explained my idea to her...

        I told her that since Mike wasn't answering his phone, she needed to trigger his
        secret obsession, or what I now call The Hero Instinct with a signal that would

        immediately get his attention.

        Even something like a text message or a Facebook message would work.

        So I gave Rachel a simple 12-word text that she could send to Mike.

        And even though I didn't realize it at the time, I had just created the very  rst

        "Secret Signal".

             Because hidden in those 12 innocent words was a subtle trigger
                            phrase that was about to change everything.

                                                                Rachel was skeptical at  rst...

                                                                But as she read the words out loud,
                                                                her eyes lit up and I knew it clicked for


                                                                So she crossed her  ngers and hit


                                                                Rachel was shocked when that very
                                                                night, Mike showed up at her
         Rachel send this simple 12-word text to
              Mike, that was ab out to change
                                                                apartment door.
                          ever y thing

                                                                It was his shaky voice that gripped her

                                                                instantly and made her listen more
                                                                intently to the words he spoke next:

             "I've realized that I won't be happy without you in my
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